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Frequently Asked Questions About Stinging Insects

What are stinging insects?

a wasp outside a homeStinging insects are a group of pests that are known for their smaller round bodies, strong pair of wings, and stinger located at the end of their abdomen. Most stinging insects have yellow and black striped patterns, though some wasp and mud dauber species do vary in color and pattern; solid red, black, brown, and even blue colors are commonly visible on stinging insects.

During the summer, people spend a lot of time outside; it is also the time of year when stinging insects are most active, making it likely that we will come into contact with each other. Unfortunately, coming into contact with stinging insects generally results in painful insect bites and stings.

Though stinging insects are eco-important pests, we still need to protect our family from their painful stings when they decide to nest too close to our homes or in high-traffic areas of our yards. Reach out to us today for pest control services in Salt Lake City.

Are stinging insects dangerous?

When stinging insects feel threatened, they defend themselves by stinging. Their stings are painful and can trigger serious allergic reactions in some people. Serious symptoms of a stinging insect sting include difficulty breathing or swallowing and pain, swelling, or vomiting. Large populations of stinging insects around your property make it difficult to enjoy outdoor areas and greatly increase your risk of encountering this aggressive pest and receiving one of their dangerous, painful stings.

Why do I have a stinging insect problem?

Stinging insects will take advantage of any property that offers them food and water. Like many other pests, stinging insects, such as wasps, hornets, and mud daubers, have learned to live near people, often choosing our yards and homes as a place to build their nests.

If you are noticing a stinging insect problem on your property, you likely have many of the factors that attract stinging insects easily available. Evaluate your property for these attractants and remove them to deter infestations.

Where will I find stinging insects?

Things like fruit trees, bushes, gardens, trash cans, and recycling bins provide stinging insects with many places to forage. Clogged gutters, birdbaths, puddles, and pools provide them with water. Trees, utility poles, roof eaves, doorways, decks, shingles, shrubs, and ground holes offer safe places for stinging insects to build nests. Some species will also exploit openings they find in a house to create an indoor nest.

How do I get rid of stinging insects?

Get rid of stinging insects in Salt Lake City by contacting Uinta Pest Solutions the moment you suspect these pests are invading your property. With the help of our technicians and our pet-safe and family-safe treatment plans, you can benefit from effective stinging insect identification and removal, so you won’t need to worry about encountering this pest on your property.

Call us now to learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control services or get started with the removal of the worst stinging insects on your property.

How can I prevent stinging insects in the future?

Keeping stinging insects off of your property is difficult, but by making some simple changes around your property, you can make it less appealing to them. Steps you can take include:

  • Keep food covered when outdoors, make sure crumbs and spills are thoroughly cleaned up, and keep a tight-fitting lid on all trash cans.
  • Eliminate areas of high moisture or standing water.
  • Avoid wearing scented products that can attract stinging insects.
  • Make sure any cracks or crevices that may act as entry points into your home are sealed.
  • Ensure all window and door screens are in good condition and repair or replace torn screens.

Partner with Uinta Pest Solutions to keep your property free of dangerous stinging insects.

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